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Doesn’t this hummus just make you want to smile?

Roasted Beet Hummus (VIDEO) | @hbharvest

It’s that vibrant color that gets me every time. I mean, I know it’s just hummus and all, but all that color just makes me SO happy. PLUS, this really isn’t just any old hummus. This hummus will solve all your days problems and then some. For example, Monday I had to take Asher to school… that right there should tell you there will be problems ahead. If you know Asher, than you know that getting her ready and out of the house is maybe one of the hardest things ever…especially with the cat around. UGH.

I somehow managed to get her fed, dressed, hair brushed, bundled up and out of the house all on time, but then we hit a mini traffic jam getting off the highway and that made us about one minute late. We arrived at the school doors at 8:46 am (8:45 is when school starts). This meant that I had to walk her into school and to her classroom. OKay, that’s fine, I actually didn’t mind, she is so stinkin’ sweet and cute that it’s hard to not mind getting to spend a few extra minutes with her. I finally got her settled and then headed back to the car. Oh the car, this is where the problems really began. The car decided it just did not want to start. Oh yeah, it was one of those Mondays. SO, I called the tow truck and weighed my options on getting home. Wait an hour for the bus or walk my butt home in the freezing cold. I hate the bus and I hate waiting, so I chose to walk the SEVEN + miles home….along the bike path and snow-covered roads. Yes, I am totally insane and yes, I do think it was not one of my best ideas ever. The good news was that I already had super warm clothes on since I was planning to go for a quick hike after dropping Asher off. Bad news is that it took forever to get home with all the snow. Lets just say that by the time I finally walked through the front door I was cold, tired and starving. Since it was a busy weekend I hadn’t been to the store in over a week, my fridge was pretty empty, BUT I did have a bowl of this hummus.

Roasted Beet Hummus (VIDEO)-2 Roasted Beet Hummus (VIDEO)-3

Roasted Beet Hummus (VIDEO) | @hbharvest


This hummus + thawed naan from the freezer = LUNCH

I was pumped. I ate the whole bowl and then buried myself in desk work. I then called up my older brother Trevor and told him he needed to pick up Asher from school since I was out of a car. Somehow the hours FLEW by and before I knew it Trevor was dropping Asher off from school. I got her food (a homemade mini cinnamon roll from the freezer, fresh raspberries, hot chocolate with extra whipped cream + carrots with tomato paste + sparkling water….such an odd combo I know, but this is what she LOVES). Then we did our daily “farm life” chores… milking the goat, feeding the goats, feeding the chickens, cleaning the chicken coop (eeeewwwww), collecting eggs, cleaning kitty litter and putting all the animals to bed. Whew!

As a treat for ourselves, we made cookie dough, ate the cookie dough, drank cold goat’s milk and called the day DONE… or well, Asher’s day was done. I got her dinner a little while later and she chilled until bedtime…or until she fell asleep. If I am being honest, she totally does not have a bedtime. She is the last child (or I freaking hope she is the least child) and my parents are completely laid back. Girl’s got it made!

Roasted Beet Hummus (VIDEO) | @hbharvest

Roasted Beet Hummus (VIDEO) | @hbharvest

Rambling over, point is, this roasted beet hummus has the potential to be the highlight of your day.

Not only is it packed full of all healthy ingredients, it’s also SO freaking delicious! I’m sure you guys have noticed that I have been really into cooking with beets lately. They’ve actually become one of my favorite veggies. I love their colors and their taste, so naturally I was pretty excited to make this hummus. I took my base hummus recipe and added in roasted beets and roasted garlic (if you’re not a garlic person just omit it). Nothing too fancy or too crazy in flavor, but still completely yummy. This is a great recipe to make on a Sunday and keep in the fridge for healthy lunches and snacks throughout the week.

AND this would be a great healthy super bowl snack as well! AND an even better Valentine’s Day recipe…cause again that color! 🙂

This hummus is also super quick to make, plus super easy too!! Watch the video below and see for yourself!! OH, and if you want utra, silky, smooth hummus… just peel those chickpea skins off before adding them to the food processor. I have to admit I sometime don’t do this, but if you have five extra minutes I highly recommend peeling away the chickpea skin!!

Okay and done. Enjoy the video!

Roasted Beet Hummus (VIDEO).

Prep Time 15 minutes
Cook Time 45 minutes
Total Time 1 hour
Servings: 2 Cups
Calories Per Serving: 1334 kcal

Nutritional information is only an estimate. The accuracy of the nutritional information for any recipe on this site is not guaranteed.


  • 2 whole small or 1 large red or yellow beets
  • 4 cloves whole of garlic omit if not preferred
  • 2 cups cooked chickpeas drained + rinsed*
  • 1/4 cup tahini sesame seed paste
  • 2 tablespoons almond butter
  • 1 tablespoon white miso paste
  • juice of 1/2 a lemon
  • 2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar optional
  • 1/3 cup olive oil + more for drizzling
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • toasted sesame seeds + toasted pine nuts + fresh dill for topping

Beet Green Pesto

  • 1 1/2 cups raw beet greens finely chopped
  • 3 tablespoons toasted pine nuts finely chopped
  • 3 tablespoons parmesan or nutritional yeast
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • salt + pepper to taste
  • pinch of crushed red pepper flakes


  • Preheat the oven to 425 degrees F. Wrap the beets and garlic cloves (if using) in a piece of tin foil. Place the beets on a baking sheet and roast for 45 minutes to 1 hour or until soft. Allow the beets to cool and then peel/rub the skin away. Remove the skins of the garlic cloves.
  • To the bowl of a food processor, add the chickpeas, tahini, almond butter, miso paste, crushed red pepper flakes and lemon juice. Puree the mixture until smooth, scraping down the sides if necessary. Add 1/3 cup water and puree until smooth. Add the roasted beets and garlic. If using, stream in the balsamic vinegar. With the machine running stream in the olive oil until smooth and creamy. I like to let my machine run a good 5 minutes (scraping down the sides once or twice) to ensure a really smooth and creamy hummus. If the hummus is too thick for your liking, thin with water or extra olive oil, adding about 1 tablespoon at a time until your desired consistency is reached. Taste and season as desired with salt + pepper. To serve, top the hummus with pesto (recipe below). Sprinkle with toasted seeds and dill. Drizzle with olive oil. The hummus will keep for 1 week, covered in the fridge.

Beet Green Pesto

  • Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and stir to combine. Taste and adjust salt + pepper to your liking.


Nutritional value based on one cup
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Roasted Beet Hummus (VIDEO) | @hbharvest

My hummus to cracker ratio is legit. All the hummus please!

PS. Red/pink beet hummus meant red/pink beet stained hands for me. If you fear this outcome maybe wear rubber gloves? I dunno, I don’t really mind the stained hands! Lol.

Roasted Beet Hummus (VIDEO) | @hbharvest

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  1. Thank you for plastering a smile across my face today with this beautiful hummus dear!! I have beets in my salad for lunch today, but I’m wishing they were in this form!

  2. Thanks so much for this recipe – it was perfect timing! I have been really trying to incorporate a wider variety of vegetables in my diet and I just bought ‘Steamed and Peeled’ ready-to-eat beets from Trader Joe’s and wasn’t quite sure what to do with them – until now! Can’t wait to try this – I LOVE hummus and this is the perfect combo. I also love your Asher stories – my daughter is 8 and we call her ‘Beyonce’ when getting her ready for school. We run around getting her dressed, doing her hair, tying her shoes, making her breakfast, etc. etc. just to get her out the door on time for her bus. Hope your car is back in action soon. Thanks again!

  3. I must be really honest….I totally love your Asher stories. You are a great sister.
    Love the recipes too. First you’ve got me onto sweet potatoes and now I am willing to try beets beyond my usual roasted with goat cheese gig! Thanks for sharing.

  4. This looks delicious! I love beets too but don’t eat them nearly enough! I will definitely have to try this recipe! Our family makes beets as an Easter tradition. We cook them, shread them and then add horseradish, vinegar and sugar. We eat it with hard boiled eggs, kielbasa, ham, home-made sweet dough bread and actually I could eat it with everything!! Thanks for this recipe!

  5. This hummus looks like ICE CREAM! I love the color it gives off. You are right, it would be so cute and perfect to go along with an intimate dinner for two on Valentine’s Day! Your photography is always on point too, girl, you’re awesome!

  6. Such a great idea! I love roasted beets AND hummus so this is perfect for me. I think it would be really nice with some goat’s cheese crumbled over the top, it goes so well with beets!

  7. I’ve seen beetroot houmous around for ages – but always wanted to know how to make it. I shall have to try this, can I use the ready cooked beetroot to make this? Or does the beetroot have to be roasted? So that it isn’t really moist?

    It looks so delicious.

  8. Love your food photography and details, really helps,
    thank you so much for sharing
    and video was amazingly done

  9. I love the colour! I would make it alone just because the colour is so vibrant, haha. The only thing I’m afraid of is staining my hands purple forever xD

  10. ahhhh, i love the color of this hummus! i like to peel and slice beets before roasting them; they cook faster, and i don’t get stained hands! (the beet color washes off really easily if you do it immediately after prepping the raw beets).